Njit Tjan, Tji
Professional Experience
Njit Tjan, Tji is a Partner of Paul Hadiwinata, Hidajat, Arsono, Retno, Palilingan & Rekan. Graduating from Diponegoro University Accountancy Profession Education and commencing his career since 1979 as an auditor with Drs. Wolfrey Jademurni, a public accounting firm, has widen up his experiences with many well-known public accounting firm namely Drs. O Piters Arifin and KPMG Hanadi Sudjendro.
He has reached proficient position as audit manager at KPMG before joining PKF Hadiwinata in 1998 up to present. Njit Tjan, Tji specializes in areas of accounting system reviews, general audit, financial due diligence, internal control reviews and initial public offering (go public), right issue, obligation issue of group company. He maintains a good understanding in areas that include property & real estate, banking & financial institution, hospitality, tourism & travel, contractors, manufacturing and forestry & plantation.
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